Krill are ‘inkrillible’ tiny crustaceans, about the size of your little finger, that live at the bottom of the marine food chain and feed on nutrient−rich algae. They float around in huge swarms that can turn the ocean into a pinkish colour. There are about 500 million tons of krill in the Southern Ocean and each can live for up to 10 years!
The world’s krill is even more than twice the total weight of all humans on earth! What sets krill oil apart from standard fish oils, is the presence of astaxanthin and marine phospholipids. Astaxanthin is a type of carotenoid and natural antioxidant that gives krill oil its deep red colour and protects its nutrients from oxidation. Marine phospholipids act as a natural emulsifier to aid in the digestion of the omega 3 fatty acids naturally present in the oil. These fatty acids are transported and integrated into cell membranes quicker and more efficiently − the reason why krill oil is thought to be more easily absorbed than standard fish oils.